JieJie’s 2nd Vaccine Jab

Today JieJie will be going for her 2nd COVID Vaccine Jab.

Gugu and Uncle Ryan offered to take her there after school since Papa and Mama are still in isolation.

I knew JieJie was still feeling scared about the injection. Though I’m not sure what’s there to be scared about. I’m not scared of injections. *convincing smile*

It was pretty smart of Gugu to bring JieJie for a good lunch at Lazy Lizards first. I’ve heard about the place when Mama and Papa talk. Though I haven’t been there before. But check out this pizza. How can you not be tempted?

Anyhows i heard that the 2nd vaccine was pretty much fuss free. JieJie was a champ about it and it went smoothly. Here’s her sending a video back to tell us she’s fine.

I’m so proud of her. =)

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