Visting my Ah Zhou (Great Grandma)

Today Papa decided to bring us to visit Ah Zhou. She’s my grandfather’s Mama. And one of the last few living elders left.

I haven’t seen her since chinese new year. We typically only see her on CNY, or at special parties that my Granny hosts at home. But because of COVID previously I haven’t really seen much of her. Papa thought it’d be nice for her to see me a little more.

Why? I haven’t a clue.

All I know is that I loved running around in Ah Zhou’s house. And that she’s a friendly old lady with white hair. Glad that she’s still healthy and all.

Here’s a pic of us doing a silly pose. Sometimes we just like to strike up silly poses when taking pictures. I think it’s much more memorable than the USUAL SMILES. Don’t you think so.

I mean…check out the look on my jiejie’s face. Absolutely priceless. ; )

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