Pasir Ris Park + Gloom Doom =(

Everyday starts off with us taking the ART test because we were in close contact with Mama. But yay! ART tested negative for all of us.

So Papa decided to bring me and Jiejie to Pasir Ris Park in the morning to play.

WOWsers the park was teeming with children and parents!

Jiejie kept running around to try out the different activities while I stayed at the sand pit for quite a while. You can see her being quite the adventure sort here. Climbing like a monkey…oops. =X

After sandplay, I did a little of the swing but I especially loved the merry-go-round. It kept turning and turning and I can understand why it was quite a crowd favourite.

Thankfully we left zhun zhun at 1130am when it was just started to drizzle. Perfect timing as we were dry in the car and on the way home already. The other kids and children must have been drenched. =X

Jiejie was missing mama alot so she wrote this note for her. I wanted to write mama something too but I was too young to write or hold the pencil properly. Maybe another time. But I’m sure she knows I’m missing her loads.

Since it was raining like cats and dogs. Now i wonder why people call it raining cats and dogs. Jiejie just learnt how to describe heavy rain with this and so I’m copying here. But honestly why do they call it raining cats and dogs? I don’t see any cats or dogs falling from the sky. Adults are such weird creatures to create such word play. *shrugs*

Maybe I’ll learn to understand the weird adult ways when I grow older. Until then….

Here’s one of jiejie’s favourite stuffed toy. I was showing papa where his eyes, nose and ears were. This is another weird thing adults do. They always ask me in slow motion. ” Where are the eyes? , “Where is his nose?” I don’t understand why they must slow down their speech. As if its easier to understand when it’s in slo-mo. Adults…haizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Now here’s the sad thing that happened today. Around 6pm somehow that wiseguy papa decided to take another ART test.




Jiejie immediately broke out into tears when she heard the years. I was wondering why the dramaqueen….and you know what. She wasn’t worried about papa.

But her first reaction crying was…”Who is going to bring me to school?”

Geez I have no clue why she is so hard up for school. Children…*shrugs*

So it’s not just Mama but Papa who had covid. So he quickly packed his bags and went to isolate with mama at another home of ours.

So there it was. There left Granny, Gugu, Auntie Annie and Auntie Omar left to take care of us.

I bet they were thinking DOOMSDAY. I was thinking….”Let the games begin!”

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