Month: January 2022

Jurong Frog Farm here we comeeeeeeee

Every Sunday Papa and Mama will always try to think of an activity for us. Sometimes we go to an indoor playground, sometimes an outdoor playground. Sometimes it’s the zoo. Adventure cove. Whichever the case they try to rotate it to make it a fun day for the family. And guess what…today we went to […]

Elias Mondays

Papa and Mama decided that they will try to spend more time every monday just with me. As it was a thing that they used to do with Jiejie. What does that mean? I means I get to poteng school every monday. Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Today we went to an indoor playground called Kaboodle in the east. […]

Splish Splash Splish…

I was ecstatic when I heard that we were going to Adventure Cove today. I’m a water baby and just love playing with water, in the water. Anything to do with water. The previous time we went to adventure cove it rained pretty badly. So it wasn’t quite so fun then. I prayed for good […]