Check this OUT!

Whoaaaa…check out where I’m going to sleep.

Look at this piece of art.

There’s a flying airplane, a kangaroo…some white tiger climbing the pole. (Don’t ask me why…)

And I virtually see stars everyday.

Apparently this used to be my sister’s cot but she doesn’t use it much. So it’s all MINE…..WHAHAHAHHAHAHA….Mine….WAHAHAHAHA….

ok enough of the theatrics.

This is where I spend most of my days…Zzzzing away. Looking left…looking right….drinking milk…burping and pooping.

I overheard from the big ones (mummy, daddy and granny) that that’s what I’ll probably be doing daily for many months before I can move about.

Oh well…better sleep more now while I still can. Don’t be envious. 😉

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